WATCH: 84-year-old woman ‘feels great’ after running marathon


— Screengrab via Twitter/BBC
— Screengrab via Twitter/BBC

An old woman from Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, is an inspiration for all as she runs 20km every week at the age of 84.

The BBC reported that Barbara Thackray started running when she turned 77. The grandmother says that it keeps her body going.

She ran a marathon and ended up as one of the top finishers to raise money for St Ann’s Hospice in Heald Green. Her late sister used to be a patient at the hospital.

“I think I am the oldest runner here,” Thackray tells the reporter.

“I feel great,” she was heard saying with a beaming smile on her face.

Altrincham Today News reported that she was with her son James and ran for nearly one hour and 30 minutes, achieving her personal best.

To prepare for the marathon, she ran 10km twice a week. James came all the way from Hong Kong for his mother. 

Thackray said that people can start things in their 70s. She added that she was happy she ran with her son who shares her love for running.


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