Transform your health with these 7 manageable food goals – SUCH TV

[ad_1] Embarking on a journey toward better health doesn’t necessitate a radical diet overhaul. Simple yet impactful changes to your eating habits can contribute to weight loss, increased life expectancy, a flourishing gut microbiome, and enhanced overall well-being. 1. Microbe-friendly foodsEmbrace the “microbiome enhancer diet” by incorporating fibre-rich foods like oats, beans, lentils, chickpeas, brown…

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Hunger hormones influence decision-making brain region that drives behaviour – Times of India

[ad_1] LONDON: A hunger hormone released in the gut, according to a recent study by UCL (University College London) researchers, can directly influence a decision-making section of the brain.The mouse study, which was published in Neuron, is the first to demonstrate how hunger hormones can influence hippocampal activity when an animal is thinking about food.“We…

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