Meghan Markle reveals she first joined the One Young World counsellors as ‘the girl from Suits’


Meghan Markle reveals she first joined the One Young World counsellors as the girl from Suits

Meghan Markle made a keynote speech in Manchester on Monday, sharing her her experience of joining One Young World.

Prince Harry’s wife Meghan discussed a ‘pinch me moment’ when she joined the One Young World counsellors, as ‘the girl from Suits’.

‘I was surrounded by world leaders, humanitarians, prime ministers and activists that I had such a deep and long-standing respect and admiration for,’ she said.

‘And I was invited to pull up a seat at the table. I was so overwhelmed by this experience, I think I even saved my little paper place card that had my name on it. Just proof: proof that I was there, proof that I belonged, because the truth was, I wasn’t sure that I belonged.

‘I was so nervous, I doubted myself and I wondered, wondered if I was good enough to be there?’

But she added One Young World, ‘saw in me, just as I see in you, the present and the future’.

‘And I want to make that point because often times I speak to young girls about the years ahead. About what you will do, about what you will have to adopt to fix from previous generations and also what legacy you will leave.

‘You are the ones driving the positive and necessary change across the globe now, in this very moment. And for that I am so grateful to be in your company today.’


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